Having an Out Of Milk account means you can access your lists from any device and share you lists directly with another Out Of Milk user.
You have 3 options to create an account:
- Google.com
- Email Address
To sign up with your Facebook or Google Plus account:
Select the Facebook or G logo and sign into your account. You will need to allow Out Of Milk standard access to the basic information held by these services on Facebook and Google.com. Hit OK to proceed. Note that some services (Alexa, and also sometimes Sync) work exclusively or better with an email and password sign in.
To sign up with your email address
Select the email icon to create a new account by entering your email address and creating a nickname & a password.
Make sure you enter a valid email address in case you need to reset your password. Password reset emails are sent only the email address used when creating an account, so it's useful to have access to the email address you use.
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