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Pantry List: Low/Full vs Quantities



  • Alexisajenkins89

    When a pantry list is imported and the quantity category has some details and the amount category has details, where are the details going? it appears that amounts default format is percentage (low/full) but why does that mean that the quantity data is erased? If you are using quantity data there use to be one box that would display how much you have and one that you can input how much you want in stock. Please help.

  • Lancering

    I would love to have a standard quantity in the pantry settings, and the shopping list/store to which the item is connected. When I create my today's shopping list, in the screen where all the pantry-items are listed, I would like to have a counter. Every time I press the counter +, the items should be +1 on my shopping list. For example: in my pantry I have 'canned tomatoes', there should normally be 6 items and I always buy them at ALDI. In the pantry-list it should be mentioned: Tomatoes (6): + / - . Category: Canned, Shopping list: ALDI. When the quantity is set to low/high, the counter + just set the item on to the shoppinglist.

  • Stacy Descoteau

    Pantry list for iphones doesn't have a scanner as showed in the demo


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